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Quick overview

Pumpkins are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene which support eye health and prevent degenerative damage. The overall combination of nutrients in pumpkins makes it a superb ally in boosting your immune system.



ANK Ruhunu, Local variety

Dry & Intermediate Zones

Commonly believed to have originated in the Americas

Sweet and slightly juicy

The fiber, potassium and vitamin C in pumpkins are great for your heart. Research has shown the beta-carotene in pumpkins help battle prostate cancer. Pumpkins are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene which support eye health and prevent degenerative damage. The overall combination of nutrients in pumpkins makes it a superb ally in boosting your immune system.

Pumpkins are a cultivar of squash plant that is round, with smooth, slightly ribbed skin, and deep yellow to orange coloration. The thick shell contains the seeds and pulp.

Try the traditional spicy wattakka (Pumpkin) curry to accompany your other dishes at the dining table. Roast the rice and coconut in a pan till golden brown. Stir fry the onions, green chillies, garlic, curry leaves, fenugreek, cinnamon, chilli powder, curry powder and turmeric for a few minutes. Add the pumpkin. Stir fry for a couple of minutes. Add salt and a cup of water. Cover and cook for a few minutes. Now grind the rice and coconut mixture into a powder. Dissolve in coconut milk and add to the pumpkin. Add the ground mustard and cook for a couple more minutes and you are done. Serve and delight!

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